Project Overview
The Client's main aim is to selling and marketing high-quality products. Every user can purchase and sell the products as well as marketing the product and earning amount.

The MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM application is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system.
It is also a print report of GST wise and creates Customer Invoice.
- Shipping
- Logistics
How We Did It
Distributor Level Manage Easily
A level of every node depends on the level of their child node. Each node first needs to complete self-level. self-level is completed when the node has 4 active child node. Same like when all child node completed self-level, then parent node level automatic increase.
Distribute Rewards
On registration of node and repurchase product, the parent node gets the decided amount and also the parent of the parent node get the decided amount. Bonus point depends on the level of the node.

Manage Parent & Child User
Parent and child node Relationship show as a hierarchical tree view. One node is the root of a tree and other all is the child of the root node. All nodes have a single parent node, except the root node. every node has a max 4 child node.
Payment Method
There are two methods used for payment of registration fees and re-purchase product.
1) By Wallet Balance
2) By Cash